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HomeCycling Advocacy

Cycling Advocacy

 -- To investigate and learn the people and processes that affect all aspects of cycling. Our premise is that cyclists are legal operators of vehicles on the roadways.

  • "...promote equal road rights and safe cycling practices" -- from the CBBC Bylaws Mission Statement

Cycling Advocacy Defined -- Learning to become involved and to speak out on issues that affect cyclists.

How You Can Help

  • Participate -- join the Committee.
  • Learn who the folks are that are in power who affect matters concerning cycling. Cultivate non-adversarial relations with them in order to influence their decisions.

Give Support To Organizations That Can Multiply Your Efforts
League of American Bicyclists --
Bicycle Access Council --
Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia --
Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals --
International Mountain Bike Association --
Adventure Cycling --