The Order of the Iron Crotch is honored to welcome the following CBBC members who rode 5,000 or more miles in 2022.
Candace Kennedy-Hess, 7,918 miles, 255,162 feet climbed
Gary Plefka, Age 66, 6,924 Miles, 150 Rides, 46.2 avg/ride
Best ride was the MS City to Shore and of course all the great group rides done through out the year.
Rob Leder, 6473 miles and 312,000 feet climbed
Rai Gundermann - Age 58, 6316 Miles for 2022
Most memorable ride was a destination bike ride with my brother riding thru the historic Saratoga County in upstate New York. Riding thru the Saratoga Revolutionary Battlefield and thru the miles and miles of thoroughbred horse farms.
Wayne Dunlap 6295 miles
Charlaine Dunlap 6140 miles
Tom Kramlik 6,010 miles, a new “high score” year
My most memorable ride? It’s probably a coin flip between the annual Face of America Ride from DC to Gettysburg (115 miles over two days supporting Disabled Veterans) or the annual Foster 100 from Camden to Cape May in a squad of 14 (102 miles raising money for service animals for disabled Veterans and others).
Fred Kern 5448.miles
I've been looking forward to this day for awhile.
Most of these miles was bicycling across America, plus another 1500 in training for the ride. Not a huge amount compared to others but for me, 5448 was a great year. I'm 63 years old, I think I've been a member of CBBC for over 10 years. My most memorable ride during that event is hard to describe but on a whole the trip was phenomenal and I would highly recommend it to any cyclist.
Tom Yost 5374 miles and 339,000 feet going up. Total years 70
Hello - having just moved I do miss my CBBC friends and riding companions dearly.
Memorable rides were up to Pottersville and the scenic climb up Black River ascent and beyond, good for 6400+ feet courtesy of a wrong turn! Always more fun to tell the story after the experience
Wishing everyone there a great year and hope to reconnect sometime in the future!
Doug Homan, 5300 miles, 263,000 feet climbed. Since I don't do electronics, I computed my statistics with an abacus!
Nora Schenk, Retired: I rode 5151 miles in 2022. Our weeklong trip was the Missouri Katy Trail which goes from Kansas City to St Louis. We like saying we rode across another state. We went in July which was hot as to be at expected. Luckily we went the week we did, since St Louis had a huge storm which caused the Mississippi River to flood, closing the Katy Trail. The trial includes many miles where Louis and Clark traveled along the Mississippi River.
Mike Baker, 5103 miles Never really tracked mileage before but pulled information together from Garmin outside miles (3728) and Peloton for inside miles (1375) for a total of 5103.
I’ll take it, after breaking shoulder falling on black ice a few years back the Peloton has been much safer. However at lunch with some CBBC riders this afternoon, one of them mentioned their Orthopedic Surgeon hurt his ankle stepping off of the Peloton (Ironic).
Best rides were a late June jaunt out to Skyline Drive with Mike Sobel and Peter Seckel. We would drive a car to a spot on Skyline and do out and backs for the long weekend. We happened across incredible weather, a heat wave broke the day before and we rode with starting temperatures in the high 50s and ending temps in the high 60s and low 70s with no humidity. Mike and Peter were training for their Israel trip in November. I imagine this didn’t compare to Israel for them, but it hit the spot for me. Last time I did Skyline the temps were in the 90s and I was chasing better riders (They know who they are). Found a great Italian Restaurant in Front Royal, VA if anyone is ever interested (Osteria Maria).
Best Century was the Sourlands Spectacular in September when a bunch of CBBC riders rode over to the start and back home to finish with a hundred plus. It was great company and a few of us were on the picture that the Sourlands Spectacular circulated a few days after the event. We had perfect weather and the post ride food hit the spot before we had to make are way back to Bucks County.
Order of the Aluminum Tush
The Order of the Aluminum Tush welcomes the following CBBC members who logged 3,000 or more miles in 2022.
Scott McLaren 120 Rides 4675.43 miles 150,723 ft. total elevation
Most memorable ride: Southwestern coast of Crete along the Libyan Sea.
Jan Solkov, 4,219 miles Proud to say I surpassed my previous record for a new personal best!
Alan Clark, 4130 miles 196,017' elevation. Note that not all of these rides were Club rides.
Dennis Koelmel 4,100 miles
First full year on my Greg LeMond Prolog Electric assist bike. At age 84 it doesn’t get easier but the slight electric assist helps. I basically do a 20 mile loop everyday I can. This year I was just about the same as last year. 4,100 miles.
Chris Marcille 4100 miles this year. Thanks for celebrating our miles.
Bill Jaglowski 3,800 miles over 102 rides. 213,497 feet climbed over 12 days 1 hour of total moving time mostly in Pa, but NJ, NY, and De. This is more than my total in 2021, but close to the 4,000 miles in 2020. Hopefully I will get to go on some longer rides in 2023, but overall I am pleased with my performance in 2022.
Rich Sadler, 3,003 Miles 168,422 Feet climbed, 138 Rides, 74 years old
I barely avoided being half-tushed with a short ride on December 30th. Most memorable rides were the Peoples Cycling week long tour in Oregon with Dave Goley.
Order of the Half-Tush
Kudos to the following members for some impressive miles!
Terry Hampton, 2594 miles. Lowest I've ridden in a few years due to back problems and moving. Even so, I did have some very enjoyable rides this year. Probably the most memorable was day 2 of the MS City to Shore Ride. Woke up early after very little sleep due to leg cramps. Told the team (the Wild Bucks) I couldn't ride and that they should go on without me. But after a couple extra hours of rest, I decided to give it a go and got out on the road only an hour behind the team. Never caught them, but pushed on and made it to the finish line where the rest of the team was waiting to cheer me across!
David Zipf 1200 miles to qualify for the tin foil crotch award?
The highlight of the year was evading and taming a mountain lion on a ride in State College.