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2023 Order of the Iron Crotch

Linda Salkovitz | Published on 1/22/2024

Iron Crotch

The Order of the Iron Crotch

The Order of the Iron Crotch is honored to welcome the following CBBC members who rode 5,000 miles or more in 2023.


Stephen Muth, 61

8181 miles

Highlights of this year include Winter bike camping overnight to Wharton SF; self-supported bike camping from Portland, OR, to Missoula, MT; van-supported bike camping tour of the 'Big Sky' Rockies; self-supported Century in Bucks and Hunterdon Counties; Odell ride to Brooklyn and riding back; the CBR; and many great local club rides with friends.


Gary Plefka, 67

7,837 miles on 169 rides.

Highlights of the year was a 6-day, 300 mile Kentucky Blue Grass Ride in June. We had 9 CBBC members that started in Lexington Ky touring Bourbon Country. A lot of rolling hills and were chased by an occasional dog! Also completed the City to Shore MS ride in September.


Tom Kramlik, 56

7,100 miles. Blessed to be outside pedaling in our beautiful counties and areas.


Rob Leder

6137 miles, 265,000 feet climbing

Rode 240 days out of 365 for a total of 396 hours on a bike

Paul Lancaster
5750 miles, 390,000 feet of climbing
Memorable hill climbs include Hawk Mtn, Mt Penn, High Point, NJ, Col du Souler, Col du Tourmalet, Col du Aspin, Mt. Ventoux, Col de Montevier, Col de Telegraph, Col de Galibier, Col de Fer and Alp d'Huez


Aluminum Tush

Order of the Aluminum Tush

The Order of the Aluminum Tush welcomes the following CBBC members who logged 3,000 or more miles in 2023.


Bruce Hochman, 74

4600 miles

Enjoyed riding with one of my buddies in Philly.


Dennis Koelmel, 85

4200 miles for the year outside on my LeMond Prolog electric with a week off for a hernia repair in March. I try to keep the assistance at the lowest level.


Jan Solkov

4,148 miles (new personal best)

This total exceeds my personal best last year of 4,126 miles. Getting older, but still getting better!


Bill Jaglowski, 70

Total miles: 4133

Most memorable ride of 2023 was the weekend MS ride. Two days of fun riding with a great group (Wild Bucs). Looking forward to doing a century for 2024.


Tom Yost, 71

Miles this year 4012

Rough ride season - we moved out of state. and returned (Better in Bucks!), house flooded, slammed by covid x 2! missed much riding...but "on the road back" with plenty of late year rides up to 12/31/23 3 p.m.!


Mike Baker, 61

4007 miles

Mountain biking the Great Continental Divide Bike Route “GDMBR” for 7 days from Seely Lake, MT to Butte, MT with 7 new friends. I am not a Mountain biker, but one of the best biking decisions I have ever made.  

Order of the Half-Tush

Kudos to the following members for some impressive miles!


Scott McLaren, 63

3821 miles / 186,145' elevation

My most memorable rides are those that included C'est La Vie as our rest stop up until their closing. I miss their pastries!


Craig Miller, 51

Mileage: 2908 miles, 200K+ elevation

2023 Memory: Droughts and Downpours. June’s drought had me easily doing the stream crossings on Bunker Hill and Municipal (both in Tinicum), but I found myself getting caught in downpours in July at High Rocks and other locations.


David Zipf, 62

1600 miles managed along with family and work responsibilities.